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May 2, 2015
IȻhigo avatar
IȻhigo 9 years ago, unknown
I missed that you said you "cant' see many JPEG arifacts" so do you see it and wouldn't that be consider a problem here, like I said admit it's not a lot but it has then.
Anime picture 1367x800
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IȻhigo avatar
IȻhigo 9 years ago, unknown
I already know about the preview concern the quality I don't judge the preview (because it's a preview).
This has artifacts, I'll admit not a lot but it still has them.
And you consider this high quality to upload if you say that's good quality I really don't understand what this site wants then. Nearly the recent uploads from the artist the quality have been lost either purposely or not internally.
If this is accepted here I don't understand how this wouldn't
Anime picture 1367x800
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May 1, 2015
IȻhigo avatar
IȻhigo 9 years ago, unknown
No, it's not.
Sign never mind then.
Anime picture 1367x800
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IȻhigo avatar
IȻhigo 9 years ago, unknown
All those artifacts around saber that's why I didn't upload it and I have a picture with good quality in it but it got deleted because it's poor quality.
So far no anime image board i'm in is accurate enough.
Anime picture 1367x800
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IȻhigo avatar
IȻhigo 9 years ago, unknown
So low quality images like this is accepted here?
Anime picture 1367x800
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